Streams* cannot not be saved/show in the pipeline.
Why are you looking for that variable whe TN should process the EDIINT payloads as normal as long as proper content-type and the default configuration in place.
What exactly the error do you see in the activity log for the TP sent messages for IGNORED?
Does your TP sends AS2 transmission for other customer’s too works fine? If yes they should know what to send in the EDIINT mime headers for proper recognition and may be you need to have a call with them to make sure what wM/EDIINT expects.
Sebastian – There should not be any issue though you send data either from your Java service or from your partner. Just take the data which is being send to you, pass the same data to your java service and see how it behaves. I hope issue might be with input data or with your configuration in TN.
thanks for your quick responses. I have 3 questions
which EDIINT mime header our TP must set at minimum level for proper recognition ? Our TP is using
Axway Platform.
How to get the data sent by our TP and save to file ? (e.g. savepipeline ). At the moment i only
get a httpInputStream Object which cannot be saved. Are there any transformations needed
for saving EDIINT data ?
Is there a way to enhance Activity Log Size to more than 1024 characters ? So i could see
more information whats going wrong ?