AS 400 V4R5M0 Or V4R3M0

i’m trying to connect to a DB2 as400 Database using the Enterprise Server JDBC Adapter, but in the documentation from webMethods the version required is V4R5M0 and the version that we have to integrate is V4R3M0.

Does someone know wich Enterprise or Integration adapter can we use?

Thanks in advance

You could try the ODBC adapter. I’ve used it in the past to successfully connect to DB2 on MVS.

Thanks Rob,

Could you give me more information about MVS or where i can find it?

We need as much information as possible about versions because this problem is related to that

thanks again

MVS used to be the name of OS/390, a mainframe operating system ([url=“”][/url]). I referenced it only to identify another non-PC/non-Unix system that I connected to.

You install DB2 Connect (or whatever it might be called these days), which is the client software used to connect to DB2 servers, on the same box as the wM ODBC adapter. Make sure you can connect to the DB using the DB2 Connect utilities first.

Included in the DB2 Connect package is an ODBC driver. Configure this as a system DSN. Then configure the wM ODBC adapter to use that DSN. The ODBC adapter runs only on Windows (since ODBC is a Windows thing).


You can also try using two other ODBC drivers - StarSQL and IBM Client Access. Both these drivers allow connectivity to DB2 directly.

For the steps to configure, follow Rob’s mail at 05:02 PM


You also can try with DB Alias, using the following driver

You can get this driver from IBM site or from your AS/400 Java toolkit.

I connected to DB2 on AS/400 sucessfully using the above method.

When I contacted webMethods prior to 6.0.1 release, they said they have some problems with JDBC Adapter, which they may improve in further releases.

Could use HIT’s JDBC Driver