webMethods API Portal tutorial
API Portal offers CLI interfaces to manage the users available in the system. CLI can be used to automatically create provision the users with in the system using a simple scripting tool. As part of this tutorial we will explore some of the options.
Creating users
We have a CLI for creating a new user with usermanagement console of API Portal. The CLI(y-tenantmgmt.bat/sh) located in $$SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin
C:\SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin>y-tenantmgmt.bat createUser The following option is required: -au, --affectedUser Create user Usage: createUser [options] Options: -ad, --affectedDescription Description of affected user -ae, --affectedEmail E-mail address of affected user -af, --affectedFirstName First name of affected user -al, --affectedLastName Last name of affected user -ap, --affectedPassword Password of affected user * -au, --affectedUser User name of affected user -p, --password Password of editor Default: superuser -u, --user User name of editor Default: superuser |
For example if you wanted to create a user named John Lewis with password "Welcome@123" you can invoke the CLI as follows
y-tenantmgmt.bat createuser -af John -al Lewis -au John,Lewis -ap Welcome@123 -u system -p manager
Connected to User Management at end point 'http://SAG-4DPGRC2.eur.ad.sag/umc' for tenant 'default'. Creating user... Creation of user is complete. |
Association user to a group
Now if you wanted to assign this newly created user to API Provider group, you use y-tenantmgmt.bat assignuser command,
C:\SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin>y-tenantmgmt.bat assignuser The following options are required: -ag, --affectedGroup -au, --affectedUser Associate user with user group Usage: assignUser [options] Options: * -ag, --affectedGroup Name of affected user group * -au, --affectedUser User name of affected user -p, --password Password of editor Default: superuser -u, --user User name of editor Default: superuser |
For example let us assign John,Lewis to API Provider group
y-tenantmgmt.bat assignuser -au John,Lewis -ag "API Provider" -u system -p manager
Connected to User Management at end point 'http://SAG-4DPGRC2.eur.ad.sag/umc' for tenant 'default'. Associating user with user group... Associating user with user group is complete. |
Removing a user from a group
Now if you wanted to remove a user from a group, you use y-tenantmgmt.bat unassignuser command,
C:\SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin>y-tenantmgmt.bat unassignUser The following options are required: -ag, --affectedGroup -au, --affectedUser Remove user from user group Usage: unassignUser [options] Options: * -ag, --affectedGroup Name of affected user group * -au, --affectedUser User name of affected user -p, --password Password of editor Default: superuser -u, --user User name of editor Default: superuser |
For example below command removes the user John,Lewis from API Provider group.
y-tenantmgmt.bat unassignUser -ag "API Provider" -au John,Lewis -p manager -u system
Deleting a user
You can use y-tenantmgmt.bat deleteUser to remove a user from user management system.
C:\SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin>y-tenantmgmt.bat deleteUser The following option is required: -au, --affectedUser Delete user Usage: deleteUser [options] Options: * -au, --affectedUser User name of affected user -p, --password Password of editor Default: superuser -u, --user User name of editor Default: superuser |
For example below command remove the John,Lewis user provisioned as part of this tutorial.
y-tenantmgmt.bat deleteUser -au John,Lewis -u system -p manager
Changing password
As a priviled user you can use y-tenantmgmt.bat changepassword to reset password for another user.
C:\SoftwareAG\API_Portal\server\bin\work\work_apiportalbundle_m\tools\bin>y-tenantmgmt.bat changepassword The following options are required: -ap, --affectedPassword -au, --affectedUser Change password Usage: changePassword [options] Options: * -ap, --affectedPassword Password of affected user * -au, --affectedUser User name of affected user -p, --password Password of editor Default: superuser -u, --user User name of editor Default: superuser |