API gateway errors || Cannot load the details of the API as it is deleted or unavailable or user is unauthorized to view the API. Not Found

Dear all,

We are seeing below error when we try to open any API from node1 and we have node1,2,3 in cluster and able to access API’s from other nodes.

We have checked ES/IS sessions and everything is fine.

Can someone please suggest what we can do on this.


Does this correspond to your deployment topology?

If yes, then the Elastic Search datastore of node 1 might be corrupted (or wrongly configured.)

We followed same topology and I have checked elasticsearch.yml file and it looks same on all nodes.

How can i check if it is corrupted ?

also, when i restart the node1–> For some time it is able to show up all apis/Applications details but after sometime it is giving this error.

I would curl the Elastic Search indexes in node 1 and compare with what’s in node 2.

But the fact that node 1 works correctly after a restart, and the issue starts occurring after some time is strange.
Can you confirm each node persists its Elastic Search data in a durable manner ?

Does this occur in a prod environment or a test one? I’d try to connect API GW node 1 to Elastic Search node 2, and see if this continues to occur.

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