API Broker Total Retrieved

Hi all,

Simple question, witch API should i use to export the marked information in the image below? Total Retrieved

Thank you

Hi Francesco,

can you try to use the following Class:


Method getClientInfo()

In this Object you should hopefully find an entry for the total retrieved count.


Hi Holger,

nice to see you again :smiley:

Browsing documentation BrokerClientInfo (webMethods Administration Programming Interfaces)

it seems there are no reference to Total Retrieved…but maybe i’m wrong :?

Hi Francesco.

please check for the BrokerAdminClient class.

There is a getClientStatsById() method which returns a BrokerEvent-Object.
This one contains the information you are looking for.


Thank you, this should be the right API.

Where can i find the package?

Thank you again.


Hi Francesco,

the class(es) is part of wm-brokerclient.jar located under common/lib-folder in your wM Installation.

It is part of the default classpath of the IntegrationServer.
You can write a Java Service and mention the class(es) under the import section of it.
