AgileApps: Unable to Delete - Channel Identifier and Channel User Handle fields from Custom Objects due to System Generated Fields Error Msg

Product: AgileApps 10.13.27

Production (Customer) Instance

Trying to remove/delete the fields showing up in custom objects named: Channel Identifier (channel_identifier) and Channel User Handle (channel_user_handle). I receive “System Generated Fields cannot be deleted.”. These fields are empty/null and not being used on form, business rule, layout rule, etc. How can I remove these 2 fields from my object?

Error messages: YES - “System Generated Fields cannot be deleted” error message is displayed when trying to Delete these either one of the fields named: Channel Identifier or Channel User Handle…

Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using? Yes

Hi Laura,
As far as I know system generated files can’t be deleted and I wouldn’t touch them as they are supposed to be used by the system.
Perhaps if they are too annoying you can hide them.

Hi Laura,

Are these fields causing any harm to you or to the application?
As long as the application designer is not getting overly perturbed by the presence of these fields, these system fields cannot be deleted from the platform or from the object. They are there for a reason.

Please let us know any specific reason you want these fields to be deleted.

In general, user created fields can be deleted but not the fields which are required for the platform to run, no those fields cannot be deleted.


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