Agent Configuration in MWS

Hi All,

I am checking some ways on how file transfer is being done from active transfer gateway (DMZ) to active transfer server.
I recently find this helpful. Link: File Transfer from Active Transfer Server to Agent through Active Transfer Gateway

As I follow, I got stuck on this step and can’t find \MAG folder. Does anyone know why I can’t find this folder \MAG\configuration\com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader

I can see from <install_dir>\profiles but not the \MAG folder.

Do I need some prerequisites to have this folder available?

Thank you


Please make sure that you have installed Active transfer agent then MAG folder will be available .



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Hi Michelle,

Do you plan to use ActiveTransfer agents?
ActiveTransfer agents are meant for distributed environment,
where you would like to control transfer of files from/to an agent from a central ActiveTransfer server.

ActiveTransfer Gateway is deployed in DMZ.
File servers like SFTP, FTP can be defined in ActiveTansfer Gateway.
Once these file servers are up and running,
users can use any file client, like filezilla, winscp etc to connect and transfer files.
Forwarding of these files from ActiveTransfer gateway to active transfer server happens automatically.

If there’s another use case to transfer files from ActiveTransfer Gateway environment without the use of file servers,
please share the details.


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