ActiveSOA 8.2 architecture layout

I want to install ActiveSOA 8.2 usig the tomcat app server which includes the embedded Tamino database. We are upgrading from ver 7.2 of centrasite. I want to configure the Database on a separate server so I can do replication " believe I can do this per documentation yet not sure"… This will allow me to replicate the database for hot standby . I want to access the Master database from 2 application servers that are behind an F5. So path is F5 to 2 app servers , that access master DB which is replicated for hot standby.

Any problems with this layout.

CentraSite does not support Tamino replication. You can use a failover clustering service (such as Veritas) to provide hot standby.

So I thought I could replicate the database per this link but maybe thats a different implementation . Can I split the database off from the application server as I described in my earlier post. Our policy is to run them on separate systems.

Thanks in Advance.

You are looking at the Tamino documentation. Although CentraSite is built using the Tamino database, not all of the features of Tamino are implemented in CentraSite.

Yes, you can separate the application server from the database server. You can also have multiple application servers point to the same database server at installation time.

If I run the Tamino db on Redhat Linux Enterprise I should be able to use their fail-over clustering technology for my hot-standby system.

Another option would be to run the Taminodb as mentioned above on HP and make use of the HP Service Guard for the hot standby.