About jre in Software AG_directory/jvm/jvm/


In the newly installed wM v10.15 integration server, I see the jre directory missing under Software AG_directory/jvm/jvm/. I’m looking for the JVM truststore under jre/lib/security but I don’t see jre folder itself.
What did I miss during installation? Appreciate the inputs.


Hi Venkat,

search in the SAG_directory for a file called “cacerts”.
This one is considered the base truststore file for your jvm when installed in the SAG_directory.

When creating custom truststores, which contain additional root and intermediate CAs, which are not already present in cacerts-truststore, remember to add the “-trustcacerts” parameter to the keytool-command. Otherwise you might have to add these CAs to your custom truststores additionally.


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Thanks Holger. I will try that and update.

The cacerts was found in a slightly different path: Software AG_directory/jvm/jvm/lib/security/ instead of Software AG_directory/jvm/jvm/**jre/**lib/security/ in the old version IS. Thank you Holger.

Hi Venkat,

path might be differing depedent on JVM vendor.

Software AG is currently using Azul Zulu Java instead of Oracle Java, which was used earlier.


Yes, noted. Thanks.