Hi to all, the question that i have is simple,
i have a XQuery that i made and i want do associate a stylesheet to the tamino response (like can do in the formhandlers)…
the query it’s like this:
for $b in input()/usuarios
where $b/login = "xxx" and $b/password = "xxx"
return $b
and the output it’s like this:
for $b in input()/usuarios
where $b/login = "xxx" and $b/password = "xxx"
return $b
<ino:message ino:returnvalue="0">
<ino:messageline>XQuery Request processing</ino:messageline>
<usuarios xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\seminario\usuarios.xsd">
<ino:message ino:returnvalue="0">
<ino:messageline>XQuery Request processed</ino:messageline>
well in the formhandlers we can use the
<input type="hidden" name="_HTMLreq" value="_XQL//login.xslt">
to asociate the Tamino Response to the login.xslt file… how i can do this in the XQuery?