HI friends !
I have a question : How XML documents are transmitted ?
Please help me with that
I’m not sure if I understand your question.
Do you mean how X-Application technically transfers documents to Tamino? Can you give an example?
Software AG Germany, Darmstadt
not exactly X-application , I meant How xml is trasmitted in general , between to servers , two applications or …, is there any protocol or it is HTTP or something else . I wish I could express my question
I don’t know a particular standard format to transfer xml document. You can use any mechanism that can transfer files, e.g. FTP or HTTP. Or you can use Java’s Input/OutputStream.
Software AG Germany, Darmstadt
this topic will be moved to the Assistance Forum in the next days.
The assistance forum is intended to be used for technical questions and answers.
Thank you for your understanding.
Thank U for your reply !
another question , how tamino transmit xml docs ?
Hi Noushin,
both the request to and response from Tamino are sent via HTTP.
I hope that helps,
Usually, Tamino uses HTTP to transfer docuemtns to Tamino. This is why Tamino Interactive Interface is nothing but a set of html pages.
However, if you use Tamino API for Java, http is mostly hidden from the client, clients will see e.g. the resulting JDOM tree.
Software AG Germany, Darmstadt