x-application examples and xappgenerator doesn't run ...

hi i just took the same subject as i am able to install the x application and able to see the welcome page
but as i cleck on any sample it throws this error
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.SchemaGrammar.getElementDecl(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSElementDeclaration;
at com.softwareag.xtools.xapplication.schema.ComponentMapping.createMapping(ComponentMapping.java:91)

when i try to call
it throws this error

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot access tomcat manager.
Make sure that tomcat_users.xml defines a user ‘xapplication’ with role
‘manager’ and xapplication.conf defines the respective password for

i have these entry in conf and tomcat_use xml file please help me ASAP

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>

sorted first problem searching the forum,either move to tomcat 4.1.18 or change jar files.
still have second problem.