Hello Community
I am trying to learn about WxConfig package (for webMethods). It is some kind of configuration management solution offered by SAG. I couldn’t find much information or documentation related to WxConfig package.
I am excited to learn about it. I would appreciate if anyone in community (who may have WxConfig knowledge/experience) help me understand following:
how this package can help in configuration management?
what are the names of the files it uses for configuration management?
How can we view/set contents of those files? (i.e. can we do it through Admin UI or do we need to browse to actual folder/directory and then view/set file content?
What is the location (folder path) for the files which contains configurations? (i.e. Are those files saved in each individual/corresponding package or are those files stored inside WxConfig package itself)?
Good info @Simon_Hanisch1
Traditionally supported packages begin with Wm , Wx were those packages which are used in the field. Perhaps would be good to rename WxConfig to WmConfig to indicate that it is supported now.
It is not a product package, hence it is Wx, and not Wm. It was developed by developer enthusiasts This requires consulting services engagement. If your org do have consulting sales or consulting services engagement, you can talk to them to get the license of this package ( custom license, not product license that you get through sales team ).
You cannot raise any queries on Wx package with Global support team as GS supports Product packages and works closely with RnD for issue resolutions on Wm packages, not for any Wx.