
We have to consume a web service (in 9.8 IS) that is authenticated using ws-trust.
Microsoft’s MS CRM Dynamics on-premise is the service provider that redirects to ADFS (which is the identity provider (sts)). ADFS provides the ws-trust SAML tokens that we must present to CRM to get our client authenticated.

Does anyone know if this is possible in webMethods? Can we get tokens from sts (ws-trust) and use them to authenticate with a service provider?

Thanks in advance.

Why not? After all, this is just some XML contents sent over some carrier (HTTP)? I doubt wM supports the spec though, hence I think you’ll have to implement composing the messages (according to the WS Trust spec) yourself. This is just an assumption, not knowledge, since I have not worked with wM 9.8 yet.