We are using wM9.0 and trying to use “WS Security Handler” to secure the provider web service descriptors.
We have set the property “Pre 8.2 Compatibility Mode” is set to “True” on the provider web service properties.
When we try to test the web services from Soap UI by passing necessary SoapHeader information (Username and password) it is failing with a soap fault.
It is returning the following error:
com.webMethods.ws.security.SecurityException: Security Engine error while processing WS Security headers org.apache.ws.security.WSSecurityException: An invalid security token was provided (An error happened processing a Username Token “{0}”)
The same request when tested on wM 8.0 instance, it works fine.
Is there anything else need to be taken care to use “WS Security Handler” on wM9.0 other than setting the pre 8.2 compatibility parameter to ‘true’? Could you please advice?