WS-policy implementation for IS8.0

I have a consumer web service which has WS-policy for reliable messaging.
I am able to create consumer descriptor webMethods 8.0.

When I ran this from soapui, i have to set WS-reliable message=true for this desriptor to work.

How to setup similiar feature at run-time from webMethods ?

Can someone please direct to documentation, which will give me a start

Did you manage to solve this?I can also test my WS through Soap-UI and it fails just like wM IS (8.2). But if I chose “Enable WS-reliable messaging” in Soap-UI it succeeds. Where can I set this option inside wM Designer?//HyuiEDIT:It seems it was not the “Enable WS-reliable messaging” that is the problem but instead the WS-A Adressing version.

Can you please post the SOAP Request\Response from the SoapUI with the option enabled?
