Writing a simple webservice in wm8

Hi All,
I am new to webMethods and i want to know whether is it possible to write our own webservice with wm 8 IS and if yes, can you please let me know how to do the same. I am seeing a provider ws descriptor is that the right one, as i couldn’t set the input to null as my webservice method doesn’t have the input, it just spill out the output string.


huh… you need to know what WM does before posting the question mate. The answer is “YES”. You can do anything with WM : )

What wm does i am learning and going step by step… i know 2 types of webconnectors we can create, one is provider and consumer and i am little confused on writing my own provider webservice. Thats y i posted this question to understand from basic level. so pls don mistake me if i am not as good as you people in wm


To answer your question in short .

If you want to create a provider WS from IS flow service, Then Select File–> New–> web service descriptor. And in the descriptor window select ‘Provider’ , ‘Existing IS service’ ,click next and select your IS service from navigation panel, and give it a name . IS will create a webService for your flow service. Once you create webservice you can generate WSDL from it which can be used by ‘consumer webService’ that is within or outside your environment.

This is just a short overview as to how webservice can be created . Please go thru Web_Services_Developer’s_Guide_x.pdf for more details . It should walk you thru each and every step(with screenshots).

Thank you,