WM Portal 70 SP2 and Netscape LDAP SDK

We have ldap setup in our wm70sp2 server and it’s working correctly; we can use a user setup in LDAP server to login to wm server. Then we have a portlet application that uses Netscape LDAP SDK (v4.16) so we need to put the ldapjdk.jar in our portal instance lib folder. And this library somehow causes wm server’s ldap to not function. When we try to find the user using the directory service that we’ve setup in Directory Service Administration, no match were found. When remove the ldapjdk.jar, everything works fine again. Does anyone know if this is a known issue? Is there a workaround?


Since WMPortal already contains another version of the Netscape LDAP SDK (not sure exactly what version it is) you might want to try to package your version of the ldapjdk.jar as a library that is private to your portlet application so it does not interfere with the system ldap library or other deployed applications.

The procedure for that is something like this:

  1. Place a copy of your ldapjdk.jar into the WebContent\WEB-INF\lib folder of your portlet application.

  2. Since another version of the ldapjdk.jar already exists in the global classpath, you will need to force the servlet container to prefer the ldapjdk.jar from your portlet application over the global classes. This is an inversion of the default Java2 behavior. To do that, create a custom XML config file in your portlet application at WebContent\WEB-INF\mws-web.xml with the following content:

  1. Build/Deploy/Test…

Since WMPortal already contains another version of the Netscape LDAP SDK (not sure exactly what version it is) you might want to try to package your version of the ldapjdk.jar as a library that is private to your portlet application so it does not interfere with the system ldap library or other deployed applications.

The procedure for that is something like this:

  1. Place a copy of your ldapjdk.jar into the WebContent\WEB-INF\lib folder of your portlet application.

  2. Since another version of the ldapjdk.jar already exists in the global classpath, you will need to force the servlet container to prefer the ldapjdk.jar from your portlet application over the global classes. This is an inversion of the default Java2 behavior. To do that, create a custom XML config file in your portlet application at WebContent\WEB-INF\mws-web.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> false
  1. Build/Deploy/Test…