Error while starting MWS portal


Got a “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError” error while starting the portal.
But the class and the jar are available on the portail directory

Attached is the portal log file

Any idea ?
full_log.txt (11.1 KB)

First of all please alwaysmention your version and fix level…

I found some older references to this issue…there have been multiple reasons…one was an out of memory error another one was applying MWS 7.1.2 Fix5.

In any case there have been two solutions:


  1. Open setenv.bat in MWS\bin using Notepad
  2. Look for set CLASSPATH and add to it “C:\webMethods712\MWS\server\default\system\wm_discotres\lib\wm_discotres_common.jar” . It should look as following:-
    set CLASSPATH=“%PORTAL_HOME%\bin\start.jar”;“%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar”;“C:\webMethods712\MWS\server\default\system\wm_discotres\lib\wm_discotres_common.jar”


  1. Open /MWS/server/default/system/wm_discotres/lib folder
    and make sure it has 14 jar files in it.
  2. Open /MWS/server/default/system/ folder and verify that
    you DON’T have any wm_xt_discotres_* or wm_discotres_* folders. If you
    do, delete them. You must have only one wm_discotres folder with 14 jars
    and no other folders under system folder may have those jars too.
  3. Open /MWS/server/default/deploy folder and make sure
    you have 14 files that match wm_discotres pattern. There should be 1
    .dccb, and 13 .pdp files.
  4. Open /MWS/server/default/config/
    file and make sure you have all these files mentioned on step #3 listed

If all of the above is true you can start MWS now. If something is not
true, we need to look for another solution.

Please always make a backup before changing anything.
