I am sending data to partner through smtp with EDIINT.send service. The service able to send to TN and also able to recognize document and processing rule but am getting error as below
java.lang.ClassCastException: javax.mail.MessagingException cannot be cast to java.net.ConnectException
IS 9.5 and EDIINT is versions
yes I was selected PrimarySMTP as preferred delivery method and it is also working fine with client.SMTP service . Even am able to send mail through MWS email server .
Actually I want to send data as an email attachment to the partner. So am using EDIINT. send service to post data to TN . In TN receiver profile I have selected as primarySMTP as ediint extended field and preferred protocol as SMTP.
Yes passing stream is good and that Is what send service expects.
I would suggest in the interim open a SAG support ticket they to peek in your environment as the error above doesn’t give more information the actual root cause and what’s wrong in the configuration/setup or other aspects etc…
The solution for this issue is I forgot to configure the EDIINT SMTP host value in MWS>Administration>Integration>B2Bsettings>Configure properties>EDIINT Module Configuration Properties.