wM 9.10 and OData V4

All is in the title.
I want to create a OData service but in V4 Version.
Is it possible ?

Integration Server acts as an OData service provider and supports OData version 2.0.

Hello Mahesh K. Sreenivas,
Thanks for your reply.
Actually, I am Learning about OData in same time I use it on wM.
I’m little disappointed we can not manage OData V4. (unless you have a way to do this, by, I don’t know, a kind of proxy written in a Java service).
I explained, in our COMPANY we have the Microsoft CRM. (version 365) and in this CRM we have new functionnality called a virtual entity.
To be simple, an entity in CRM is a kind of table. But the CRM allow you to have automatically view, forms to manage your entities. You can create all fields you want and you d’ont need to have IT skills for that.
In the new version, virtual entity is not a real entity, it is a kind of view in a other data source. It is like we see records from another software. But to use it, you need to define a OData V4 datasource. And even if I can create a OData source from wM, I can not use it in CRM because it is the V2 and even if I migrate my wM to the latest version, according to documentation, OData version stay in V2 version.
I’m little disappointed…

The details I provided are from docs. If you have support contract with SAG contact them if they have any work around.

Good luck!

Hi Mahesh,

How can I create a ODATA v2 service in webMethods 9.12 version ? I want to call an external ODATA API (Successfactor)

Also, once I receive an ODATA response How can I convert that to proper Document structure ?

Hi Amit,

If you’re connecting to Successfactor through OData protocol and looking for webMethods support on this, there is a separate product called “CloudStreams Server” which you can install additional connector to support this. However this is a separate product that you will need to purchase additional license for and you’ll probably need to get in touch with your account manager if you’re interested.


You might ask why do you need to purchase additional product to do so, please take a look at this thread.

In general, if your client or your use case only involve only a single Saas application and you’ll not need the flexibility, you can implement your own code in java or flow service to do so. However, if you’ve multiple endpoints that constantly be utilizing SOAP\REST\OData which are listed in the CloudStreams connectors page, then it makes more sense to use CloudStreams. It will definitely speed up the development time as you’ll need to just configure to make the integration works.

I would say it depends on how you design your solution and there is no right or wrong which approach will be better.

Thanks Mike for the reply. We don’t have CloudStreams Server. We have to do something without it in wM 9.12

In that case, maybe you want to implement something in java using Olingo library?http://www.sapspot.com/consuming-employee-central-odata-services-java-olingo-library/