Yes, there is a working solution for these secenrio’s you need to take the image of your integration server (in zip) format to the target system and you can pass on path of the this zip image for your system directory… this is documented in new upgrade guide to 8.x. I tried it myself for my current project and it works well.
Let me know if you have any more questions on this item.
I went through the whole thread, I even understood tit-bits of it.
According to what I read, I need to migrate from 6.5 SP2 to 8.0, where I have two option for it, either go by 6.5 → 7.1 → 8.0 or migrate directly 6.5 → 8.0.
In my case, TN and Developer are heavily used, as we have more than 200 partners and there are various types of transactions occurring, that too every second. Because of which database is also used very much.
So which would be a suitable path for me. Please advise.
And, I searched for the document of migration. SoftwareAG have stopped taking new user registrations, and it is not available in Empower site.
Migration path 6.5 → 8.x is certified and supported by SAG, so i don’t see any specific neccessity to go for 6.5 → 7.x → 8.x.
SAG provides the migration utility which take care of each component you mentioned, having said that if you have Optimize/AE in your environment then you have to migrate those components manually.
Fyi, you don’t have to create a account to download documentation… you can get the upgrade guide from below link.
Hello Naren,
Thanks for the advise, I would follow that.
And yes, I am able to download the document, so now, will read and ask further doubts, if any.