Why cant I get realm information with UM Java API?

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

UM 10.5

Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?

Customer license

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.

I want to get the connection information from my realm in UM. I do that with this:

But always this return 0. I open the Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager and there the connections are a few more than 0.

By the way, how I retrieve this Enterprise Manager connections information with the API?

Hi @Jesus_Carrillo1 ,

Can you please add “Thread.sleep(realm.getUpdateInterval());” statement after creating the realm node object and try fetching the connection details.
As we are trying to get the connection details from Admin API - It requires some time to get all the details.

Hope this helps.


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OMG Usefull!. Thank you so much!

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