where can I find the WmEDISamples?

I am a begineer of webMethods, looking forworad to hear from you soon. Thank you.
where can I find WmEDISamples package, if possible can you give me that URL. Thank you

This packages comes along with standard EDIModule installation where you choose components selection in the webMethods Installer.


You can also download it from Advantage: SW Downloads → Samples and Utilities. Select webMethods EDI and then the EDI Sample Module.

I was going back to webMethods installer and I found I selected all the components.
Thank you

Finially I got it. Thank you

It should have come with the standard EDI installation thats way we have it.Also did you checked Packages/Management if by mistake EDISamples package got in disabled state??Anyways you got it from Advantage site…good enough…


I m not an advanatage member,where can I get EDI samples package?