When I use the WDSL file that comes whit the SOAP function to Tamino and make a class of it by importing it to C# how do I make a request so that I can retrive a document from tamino whit the retrive comand
I would love a example i can do it whit the xquery But what is the object I am suposed to send???
I’m afraid that I am alittle confused by this question. Is the “retrieve” method that you are attempting to invoke the TaminoCommand.Retrieve(ITaminoDocument document) or something else?
what I want to know is the comand to retrive a document from tamino whit soap Not whit the TaminoCommand.Retrieve(ITaminoDocument document) But the SOAP command
if you are unsure how a certain SOAP method works, its always the easiest to look at the testsuite that comes with the Tamino SOAP Service. Its in the directory “testsuite” and in this case the java class “TaminoSOAPCRUDTest.java” gives an example of the retrieve:
… Element elem2=createEmptyPropertyInstance(inoid);
invoker.invoke(“retrieve”,new Element {elem2},vec); …
private Element createEmptyPropertyInstance(String inoid) { return createInstanceFromString(“”); }
So in retrieve an xml document with the right root-tag which is the doctype and the ino:id attribute is expected.
Of course you can do the same in other languages like C#.
Thanks for the answare Stuart I have used the .NET API and yes it is muche easyer to use But I have that problem that we would like to get all over transaction to and from Tamino to go by SOAP and not a direct conection. So I have to use the soap interface becusse of scaling and spliting up the diferent levels in the programming Client->SOAP-> Tamino ->Soap->Client I would also think this is the best metode to do this is it not?
I do what you told me and I then get this in return.
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException' occurred in system.web.services.dll
Additional information: NestedException:Problems during parsing input stream and building DOM document.
NestedException:C:\WINNT\system32\dtbook110.dtd (The system cannot find the file specified)
Is there some way I can point to the DTD so that it find it localy Thanks for any help here.