What causes WebDAV server to throw INOXRE8811 error?

background info:I have configured my webDAV Server to use Tamino authorization. I have configured a store call “RootDB” in WebDAV server. I could access it initially but after a while, it starts to log me out of the store/folder and says that it couldn’t find it.

I have encountered this error 3 times, the first time I encountered this error, I tried to remove the user and password parameter from the store configuration file and it solved the problem. (not sure if this really solve that problem)

But after a while it comes back again. And so I
uninstall webdav server and reinstall it but the problem is still there. so I deleted the database, recreate the database and configure “RootDB” store again and it solved that problem.

And now after a few days of usage, the problem comes back again. I’m not sure what casues this problem. Each time I encounter this problem, I also tried re-starting the database re-configure the store again but to no avail.

What really causes WebDAV server to throw INOXRE8811 error???


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Service com.softwareag.xtools.xdav.store.XDescriptorsStore@12a73d9 initialization failed : com.softwareag.tamino.db.API.accessor.TQueryException: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXRE8811, Collection name not found) Cause: NestedException:Tamino access failure (INOXRE8811, Collection name not found)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
