

When I am trying to create to web service connector giving the WSDL URL, I am getting the following error:

[ITD.0012.0012] Error occurred while creating Web Service Connector

com.wm.net.NetException: [ISC.0064.9314] Authorization Required: [ISS.0084.9004] Access Denied

Could any one please help on this.


Several possibilities come to mind:

  1. if the WSDL is hosted on an IS (inside a package pub directory for example) or other server with protected directories, you need to either set the file for anonymous access or provide authorization to access the WSDL file. A quick and easy test of this is to close all your browsers, then open a new browser and navigate to the WSDL URL. If you are prompted for authorization, there is the problem.

  2. If you are not prompted for authorization above and you are able to access the WSDL through the browser, then perhaps it is on your IS. Do you have write ACL to the folder where you are trying to create the web service connector?

Hi PhilLeary,

Thanks for the quick response.

You gussed right when I am navigating the WSDL URL in browser I am being prompted for authorization.

What could be the probable solution, please advice.


When creating the web service connector, Developer needs to be able to access the WSDL without passing any authentication credentials.

Two options:

  1. If the WSDL is on an IS, you can add a .access file to the directory to make the WSDL file accessible via Anonymous access.

  2. Or you can download the WSDL to your local Developer machine (via the web browser) and then create the web service connector from the local file.

Hi PhilLeary,

Keeping WSDL on IS or on local machine is not creating problem as in that case giving URL is not required but when the wsdl is some where else and I m trying to give the URL for the same, i m getting the authorization problem.

Do I have to make some setting some where to get things done.


It depends on where the WSDL is - if it is on a remote server that you do not have control over, then you are out of luck.

If it is on an IS that you have access to, then you can do Option 1 from my earlier post.


There must be some way to access the remote server where I have saved the wsdl file. Is there?


There is no way (that I am aware of) to get the Developer to pass authentication credentials for the purpose of downloading a WSDL during the creation of a web service connector. You have to be able to access anonymously or locally.

you have to access anonymously or browse from local (wsdl file) and create the web service connector or WSD.


Thanks for the mail.
Have tried all the option not working with WSDL URL located at remote server.

Anyway thanks for the help.



I am trying to configure JDBC connection with Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release Please see the values i have given for connection parameters.

Transaction TypeLOCAL_TRANSACTION DataSource Classoracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource serverNamelocalhost userhr password****** databaseNamexe portNumber1521 networkProtocoltcp Other PropertiesdriverType=thin

When I am enabling the connection I am getting the follwing error:

Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource Amar.Connections:testDB.[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.7 Please do let me know the probable reason.Thanks,Amrendra

Hi Members,

I have MQ adapter adn connection and listener created for reading message in the queue. The application is sending the message to queue but the Mq listener is creating two listener notification and that in turn trigget the webMethods flow service twice.

Please let me know how to approcah this.
