webMethods MQSeries Adapter version 2.1 will go with webmet


We are in the planning process to upgrade IS 4.6.2 to 6.0.1. One thing we know for sure is we can not go for WebsphereMq adapter 3.0 which requires support of “PCF command on Mqseries Server” as we are running Mq series server on OS/390 not possible.

No my question is can webMethods MQSeries Adapter version 2.1 will go with webMethods 6.0.1?

Any help will be greatly appreciated


We are using the MQSeries Adapter version 2.1 on webMethods 6.0.1.

Thank you for the reply, we will try to have Mqseries 2.1 with 6.0.1 in development


Unfortunately the MQ Series v2.1 is not officially supported nor tested against webMethods 6.0.1.

The MQ Series v2.1 Adapter has passed official testing and is now fully supported on webMethods 6.0.1 SP2.