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Software AG’s leadership position in Hybrid Integration is in no small part based on the availability of over 300, coding-free, ready-to-use adaptors.
A subset of these connectors is dedicated to facilitating B2B transaction (EDI, EDIINT and industry protocols), in tandem with Software AG’s B2B Integration platform, webMethods Trading Networks:
Notes on AS4 Connectivity
Since 2002, AS4 has slowly gained adoption (mostly in Europe), as an interoperability protocol that simplifies and standardizes the use of web services for B2B data exchange and integration. It facilitates the secure exchange of messages independent of payload-type across a trading network.
The webMethods Module for AS4 has gained popularity as an even leaner and simplified implementation of the AS4 ebHandler conformance profile that is specified in the AS4 Profile of the ebXML Messaging Services (ebMS) specification.
Translated to real business benefits, the webMethods Module for AS4 can support any B2B document and format and transport, standardize and simplify routine business transactions and substantially reduce manual and paper-based processes.
New: webMethods Module 10.1 for AS4 with ENTSOG Support
With the newly released AS4 module, 10.1, webMethods extends our AS4 capabilities to provide an implementation of the AS4 ebHandler conformance profile as supported through ENTSOG (The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas).
With a stated mission to “promote the completion of the internal market for gas and stimulate cross-border trade”, ENTSOG views its role as a market facilitator, enhancing messaging interoperability and standardization “between national gas transmission system operators (TSOs) across Europe in order to ensure the development of a pan-European transmission system in line with European Union energy goals”.
10.1’s partial list of ENTSOG enhanced AS4 capabilities include:
- Support for Two-Way/ Push-Push MEP: Enables sending and receiving user messages with trading partners asynchronously using the Two-Way/Push-Push.
- AS4 ENTSOG Agreements and Agreements Update: Supports the AS4 ENTSOG Agreements and Agreements Update specifications for flexible exchange of certificates with ENTOSG AS4 messages.
- Partner Certificates Configuration at TPA Level: Provides the ability to configure partner certificates to sign, verify, encrypt, and decrypt user messages at the Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) level.
- Extract Attachments from ebMS 3.0 User Messages: Supports the extraction of attachments from ebMS 3.0 user messages as a separate transaction.
In essence, the ENTSOG updates in AS4 10.1 represent an additional industry standard to the webMethods connector library that also includes HIPAA, HL7, papiNet, RosettaNet and SWIFT.
To review additional webMethods B2B standards, please click here.