We are planning to migrate the webMethods from 4.6 to 6.1 version . Please suggest me to start this project. In my project, source as SAP and target as Elemica(Third pary tool). SAP triggering the idoc webMethods converted first Idoc to BO and then xml. The same xml format will be sent to the target system(Elemica). Note:What are the flow services will affect, while migrating the webMethods 4.6 version code to 6.1version and then any precautions I have to taken care while migrating the code.
Also, support will soon be dropped for IS 6.1 release, you should probably consider upgrading to IS 6.5 instead.
Each major release of IS (or any other WM product for that matter) identifies changes and enhancements from the prior release. As Rob points out there are several PDF’s and other documents on Advantage in the Bookshelf->Product Upgrades->Integration Server section.