Web service provider error during creation

Hi, I am trying to create a web service descriptor (provider), and at the last step i have this error:
Exception occurred during of WSDL for service XXXX document to XSD error: field doc request cannot be represented in XML schema the field name contain a prefix but an XML namespace property is not assigned to field.

Any idea about this error?

Many thanks in advance.

Hi Nabil,

The service has document with fields having namespace in it, but there is no proper declaration of namespace i.e. something like xmlns:ns: URI for that fields. Due to which while you are creating the provider descriptor the error is thrown, which is valid.

Please check the fields in the document and their namespace declarations and correct them before generating the provider descriptor.

Firoz N

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Hi Firoz,
Thank you for your answer, as i am beginner with webMethods, can you please tell where can I find the properties of file (namespace i.e. something like xmlns:ns: URI for that fields.), I checked all fields and it seems OK for me there is no namespace.


Hi Firoz,
Please find a snapshot of the document:

Hi Nabil,

can you provide us the first lines out of the WSDL and XSD you want to import to create a webservice for it?
Or is this a “Service first” approach?


Hi Holger,
Creation of consumer is OK with this WSDL,
I have this issue when i am trying to create a web service provider using a flow service


Hi Nabil,

this is a “Service first” approach then.

In this case I would ask you to provide us a screenshot from Designer for the “Input/Output” Tab of the service (Docs fully expanded if neccessary) for which you want to create a WSDL.

Most likely, one or several field/fields contain a colon (“:”) in their name which indicate a namespace prefix which needs to be declared in the resulting WSDL (similar to the gc and msg namespaces in your sample above).

I prefer a “Contract first” approach when working with WebServices as this is more reliable then the “Service first” approach.
This means, that the WSDLs and XSDs for provider and consumer are prepared before trying to create the according WSD nodes in Designer.


Hi Holger,

Please find the input and output of my flow.



Thank you for your support the issue was in the file name with (‘:’) .

Now it’s OK.


Hi Nabil,

“FPR.doc” is considered a namespace tag here.
Therefore the WSDL cannot be generated for such a service.
