Warning:- [ISC.0107.9014] Cannot create field '*doctype' in publishable document -10.1 UM Migratio

Hi ,
I executed service ‘pub.utils.messaging:migrateDocTypesTriggersToUM’ on 10.1 to migrate broker assets to UM . for one of the doctype, below is the warning. though i can see the same in EM but

  1. what are the implication of this warning and the resolution.
  2. Are there any other special character limitations which we must check before migration.

Error: - Warning:- [ISC.0107.9014] Cannot create field ‘*doctype’ in publishable document type ‘XXXXXXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYY’; this field name is not valid for use with protocol buffer encoding. The Universal Messaging provider will transport the field contents, which will be visible to Integration Server clients only.

Document Structure have a field ‘doctype’ with asterick in the beginning.

KB# 1778971

The warning message means exactly what it says:

There is a field in the publishable doc type with a name that cannot be represented in protobuf format. The “@” character in the IData fieldname is the cause of this warning here. The UM protocol buffering is an implementation of the Google protocol buffering standard. According to this spec, if publishable document types use protocol buffers encoding type, field names and types must meet the following criteria to be encoded:

First character must be a letter (a-z or A-Z). Subsequent characters must be a letter, number, or underscore symbol (_). Refer to spec for “Identifiers” in Specifica del linguaggio dei buffer di protocollo versione 2  |  Protocol Buffers  |  Google Developers.

This is transparent to IS publisher/consumer clients, meaning that IS clients will be able to see the field contents, but any non-IS clients will not. Generally it is not something to worry about, unless you have IS triggers which apply a filter on that field. Filter conditions including such fields will be migrated to a “local” (i.e. none UM server side) filter condition.