Visualizations of measurements with multiple series

We have a smart electric meter sending measurements with 30 series. It is not too far from our sensor library (having 24 series)

The visualization of the values over time is really not pretty due to the number of series. It is pretty impossible to see the measurements overtime since all the series are taking most of the screen.
Is not it a way to change the view so we could for example have only one Y axis with all the series on it (with range = min/max across all series)? and not one axis per serie.

Basically, how can we make the measurements readable to the user when they are multiple series?

This is the default visualization we offer in Device Management. It handles for a large portion of use cases just fine but of course it may not work well more extreme cases like this. If you want to customize how the series and fragments are shown in different graphs you can look into the data explorer or maybe a dashboard with data point graph widgets.

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I believe it is even worse, we dont have room to see at all the measurements now since all the series are taking the space.
We can customize the name of the propertie, the date range and aggregation, but it does not seem we can customize how to “group” all the series on the same axis

You can select individual series that you are interested in and hide others. Of course selecting 30 series in the same graph will lead to the same space issues that are already present in the default view. If you consider creating a dashboard you could also create multiple widgets to group your series into different graphs.

Btw. it might be an improvement if we would allow to use only one Y-Axis for the same unit. Other system are also doing it this way e.g. Home Assistant where you can add a graph widget with multiple series. If they share the same unit they are displayed in the same graph (one y-axis), if they have different units they are displayed in a different graph.
In the case of Melanie described only a few units are shared across multiple series. (kWh + KVarh) So most of them could be displayed with just one or two Y-Axis.
This is of course a product improvement.

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Hi all,

what helps in this case usually is to define the same “Range” for the different datapoints - which is slightly cumbersome to set up unfortunately.
However once the “Range” of multiple datapoints is the same (and fixed) they align onto a single y-axis.

This might help to at least reduce the amount of y-axis.


Hi Kai

Indeed it works and created only one axis thank you :slight_smile:
It seems to work only in the cockpit though, is there no way to have a similar behavior in the DM? Seems cumbersome for the device mgt users to navigate between 2 apps if they want to see properly the latest measurements.

I agree with Stefan for the proposed improvement, it would def be a nice to have.

Thank you

The described behavior of y-axis is also documented here: Cockpit - Cumulocity IoT Guides

The same behaviour also applies to the graphs in device management but there the ranges are always automatically calculated. If the automatically calculated ranges align then the y-axis is merged. Of course this depends on the incoming data from the device which may or may not exactly align on both minimum and maximum value over a given time period.

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Hi Mel,
for me the visualisation in DM application has the only purpose to see what kind of data comes in - basically just to have an overview what kind of datapoints are there.
But the Cockpit application should be the one used by users for visualisation.

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