Vertical Split Pane without border in Application Designer 2

I want to use a Vertical Split Pane (vsplit) but want to have it borderless so that I do not see the vertical line. Is this possible? If yes, how is it possible?


as you know the graphical layouting of the controls is stylesheet-driven. That vertical line is defined with CSS class VSPLITLine. The default style sheet contains CSS the rule background-image:url(…/…/HTMLBasedGUI/images/vsplitline.gif);. Have a look to /cis/styles/CIS_DEFAULT.css. If you change that rule (eg. delete it) the line will disapear. The more smarter solution is to use an CUSTOM style sheet and do that change there once. This approach prevents that your chnage is lost the next time you update your installation with a newer Application Designer build. Have a look into documentation, chapter “Adapt look and Feel” is the right place to get the info you need to have a custom style sheet.

It did not work at my end after deleting the entry background-image:url(…/…/HTMLBasedGUI/images/vsplitline.gif); in CIS_DEFAULT.css in webapp\cis\styles. Did it work at your end?

yes - I just re-checked it. Thats definetely working. Have you thought about the cache? Resource files (like in our case the style sheet file) are buffered by browser. You need to ensure that you still do not view the old copy by deleting the cache! BTW: IE is offering the option to disable cache permantly. For web developer quite a valid option.

Second: the mentioned style class also provides for a dark gray background color. Maybe the bg IMAGE went away but you still wonder about the bg COLOR? Check what happens if you apply another color code (eg red to really see if something happens)

And third: could it be that your app is already using a custom style sheet? This would be a perfect explanation that changes in the default style sheet does not have any affect. Hint: a custom style sheet is either at page tag in the XML layout definition or is set dynamically in the adapter using API “setStyle(…)” or is a startup param in the URL.