Using the Rest API to POST a new record

I have Adabas running in a Docker container with the demodb running. I want to insert a record into the VEHICLES file using the Rest API. I can see in the Swagger API screen the format of the POST URL, however, I am at a loss as to providing the payload for the new record.

I can see that the data/body of the call has the following:

{ “stores”: { }, “records”: { } }

  • Is this where the data goes for the new record? (I assume yes)
  • What is “stores” and “records”?
  • How would I format this payload according to the VEHICLES file structure?

Thanks in advance


the entry point could be “Store:” and in newer version “Records:”.
Here an Example JSON which will insert (POST) or update (PUT) the records using classic notation with /rest/db//:

{“Store”:[{“A2”:[{“AM”:“44864858”,“AN”:“1033”}],“A1”:[{“AK”:“89300”,“AL”:“F”,“AI”:[“STREET”],“AJ”:“TEST”}],“AA”:“RINSERT1”,“AB”:[{“AC”:“INSERT”,“AD”:“”,“AE”:“TEST”}],“AQ”:[{“AT”:[138],“AS”:963,“AR”:“EUR”}],“A3”:[{“AV”:5,“AU”:19}],“AG”:“F”,“AH”:712981,“AW”:[{“AX”:19990801,“AY”:19990831}],“AF”:“M”,“AZ”:[“FRE”,“ENG”],“ISN”:1,“AO”:“VENT59”,“AP”:“CHEF DE SERVICE”}]}

Similar is possible using the Adabas MAP (/rest/map//case). There long names are used:
{“Store”:[{“Personnel-id”: “RINSERT1”,“FullName”:[{“FirstName”:“INSERT”,“Name”:“TEST”}]}]}


Thank you, Thorsten

I’ve created a new file to insert data into - do you know how I might create a map for my new FDT?

A rich client and tools to import/define Adabas Maps is part of an Software AG product called “Adabas Client for Java”. It is not part of a community edition.

It may be possible to have a look on the Golang driver at GitHub - SoftwareAG/adabas-go-api: This module provides direct access to Adabas database data in a Golang-based application. This contains all transactional operations on the database. .
There the Map is described in detail and you can generate your map directly on the DATA_DESIGNER file. You can use the HTTP POST like you did with your new record.
Detail description of Adabas Maps is here adabas-go-api/ at master · SoftwareAG/adabas-go-api · GitHub .

If you know Golang you can use the Go Adabas driver to import Maps.
If you created the demo database during startup, a file called “DATA_DESIGNER” is already generated. In version 7 of Adabas Docker Community edition is providing a small web page for administration and testing. Just open the RESTful server port.


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