I am trying to send a file using the service pub.client.ftp:put, and since the file may be quite large (>50MO), I’d like not to load it in memory.
So I’ve decided to use
pub.file:getFile(loadAs: stream).
Then I map the stream object into the put service.
As a result, I do get a file… which contains exactly:
Apparently my stream was serialized before being used, but that was not exactly what I was going after
I’ve called stream.getClass().getName() on the object I got from the “getFile”, and it IS a “java.io.BufferedInputStream”.
So, has anyone ever experienced this?
I will try to call the put service inside a java service so I’m sure what happens to my stream, but this is not a really good solution…
I’m using IS 6.5 and Developper 6.5
Thanks in advance!