Using ActiveX NonXML API in JavaScript.Solved.

The problem was solved.
But response from
not has “ino:id” of loaded non-XML object.

Markk, thanck you. Good luck.

I don’t think you get ino:id with non XML objects. You can ONLY address them by name. This is why you have to supply a name when inserting them.

As far as I know all objects stored in Tamino have associated ino:id. When I load non-XML objects using TII, I can find ino:id in Tamino response (POST request). I think the problem is that SetNonXmlWithFilename method exploits PUT request. but PUT method doesn’t imply any response except for HTTP headers with status code.

The document is including two part: XML and non-XML. The XML part must keep a reference to non-XML:





I think that you are right that even non-XML documents have an associated ino:id. I think that it is returned as an HTTP header X-INO-id. I still think that the preferred mechanism for XML and non-XML documents is to deal with document names rather than just “numbers”.

You are right, markk.

But. I planed to write the loading of non-XML object how it realized in “Interactive Interface” - without Active-X.
But. I can not recive the data from “xqlout” frame.


Here a simple example in VBScript.

Note: An real application need to run it in the server side (ASP for example), and will need to upload file to the server before load it in Tamino.