Usage of wM v46 adapters in wM6

Right now we are developing interfaces in webMethods v4.6
and would like to move to webMethodsv6.0. webMethod suggest
that, we can use all v4.6 adapters in v6.0. Would any one
can tell what kind of problems will I face if I use v4.6
adapters in v6.0? Any help is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, Lakshmana.

In theory, you should not see any problems. webMethods 6 is
designed to support webMethods v4.6 flows.

In practice, though, there are not enough developers who
have migrated and can tell you where the quirks are.

The most likely trouble areas will not be within your Flow,
per se, but more related to Java classpath, configurations,
and other system settings. If your webMethods IS v4.6
environment and network topology is properly documented,
many potential issues will be mitigated.

Dan’s Migration Motto: Be prepared and success will follow.