Urgent assistance required - Loading new Trading Partner Certificate

We are having an issue where the Trading Partners new certificate has been loaded, but, they are still receiving a 403 error when trying to send a PO to us.

I have transformed the new Trading Partner certificate to .der using OpenSSL.
I have loaded the new .der certificate into MWS via
I have loaded the new .der certificate into the TN Keystore .jks using keytool
I have restarted the TN IS.

The VAN/portal is still getting a 403 error when trying to send a PO to us… What have I missed ??

Help Please…

Hi David,

which wM versiona re you running on?

Did you check if the certificate is mapped to the VAN´s TN User in IS under Security → Certificates → Configure Client Certificates?

In the Truststore (typically a JKS file) you will only require the root and intermediate CAs which are not part of the cacerts file from the JVM.
