How can I update a XML document without using map.
The input to the service is a XMLNode with the xml I want to update, a String containing the exact position to update. (i.e /PackageInformation[5]/Identifier[1]) and a String with the new value to update to.
Using the queryXMLNode will give me the exact position, but can I use queryXMLNode to set a new value?
Turning the node into a document and do a “normal” mapping is not an option since all inputs differs every time the service is run.
Does anyone know if it is possible to use varible substitution (%%) somehow?
If I can avoid having to write a java service I would be happy.
Use nodeToDoc to convert to a document.Don’t map the output to anything.
Your field to be updated should be in document/xml/employee/salary
Call a java service to put the new value in this location.
Note that if employee or any other node in the path is an array, proper index should be provided.