We are trying to post transactions using HTTPS with DNS Entry, We are facing below issue
when using pub.client.http service, its giving this error as - com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: java.net.UnknownHostException:
soapClient and http client both has same issue
Things that are checked -
Host Entry is properly done
No firewall blocking/port is open, we are able to post using IP but not using DNS.
This issue is not only for particular partner system but for all HOST ENTRIES/DNS. -
AIX Server - We found some discrepancies with procfiles being created with 0 bytes with interactions of IS with Server which are related to Cache/repository pileup.
So we tried clearing the folders as IS has the ability to regenerate the files which might resolve the issue, but no luck as issue still persists.
Folders cleared - under Instance
Can someone please provide some insides on how to resolve this issue?
have you tried to check the dns resolution with “nslookup”?
Eventually you have to check with your OS Admin, if the nslookup.conf, resolv.conf etc. are configured properly.
when it works locally outside IS but not from inside IS, this needs to be investigated further.
But this is not possible with the informations currently provided in this thread.
You might want to check to increase the log level for certain IS Log Factories to get more informations why looking up the adresses fails.
See IS Administrators Guide for further informations.
We found the issue with OS trying to fetch details from resolv.conf instead of /etc/hosts.
When we removed permission to invoke resolv.conf, We can see that procfiles of OS are reduced and host resolution started working.
additionally check the nsswitch.conf and nslookup.conf in the /etc directory (there might be some other conf-files starting with ns*, check these as well) for the order in which the different dns a queried for resolution.
Usually you would like to check the real dns server before reverting back to the hosts file.
Remember, that these files can be updated automatically by a central configuration repository tool (like i.e. Puppet) depending on how your company is handling this. If this is the case, make sure that repository is updated correctly and it replicates this data correctly to the physical hosts.