Hello Team,
I have my Integration servers started, but from CCE I am not able to connect to it. It has a red arrow down and I cannot start them from command central. I have the below error:
RuntimeException: Error occured while executing lifecycle operation on a remote managed node with alias localhostSAGCP. Remote task status is [SPMLCCE0001] Runtime component “integrationServer-IS_MyIS2” does not support life cycle operation “START”. >> UnsupportedOperationException: The runtimeComponent with id: integrationServer-IS_MyIS2 does not have LifeCycleOperations SPI registered.
Remote command has been triggered. Executing start lifecycle operation remotely.
Has anyone come into such errors before or could help please.
You may consider to restart the SPM on your target node and try again.
If that still not working take the CCE and target SPM logs and put them into a support case.
Thanks for your reply. I have restarted the SPM but still same issue.
All the installation runs on my local Machine.
When am in the command central I can see all in green only IS in red, see attached CC_IS_Instance.JPG.
The below is the errror and message am getting on command central when selecting the tab
PIESIME0002: An error occurred while invoking a service on Integration Server:Unexpected component status: STOPPED but should have one of [ONLINE, PAUSED]
Message: An error occurred while invoking a service on Integration Server:Unexpected component status: STOPPED but should have one of [ONLINE, PAUSED]
Explanation: An error occurred while invoking a service on Integration Server. The details of the error will replace the Unexpected component status: STOPPED but should have one of [ONLINE, PAUSED] in the message text.
Action: Use the supplied error information to correct the condition causing the error. Then, reissue the service request.
Also when I click on the link Integration Server displayed on CC, it redirects me to this page " http://laptop-pg2198pn:23444/?sagsso=true". And when I changed it to http://localhost:23444/?sagsso=true, Then I have the popup window to put username and password
So means the IS instance is up and running.
Are there any specific configurations to add to show the IS correct status in CC?
Kind Regards,
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