I am unable to execute a POST request with “Content-Type”: “application/xml” through Postman to webMethods.io Integration. Can you please tell me what needs to be done to be able to send/accept a SOAP payload from external system to my WMIO instance?
Attached is the error I am getting in the postman:-
Can you please show me some code snippets/tutorial as to how to accept SOAP payloads from external systems (say, postman) and incorporate them into the flow service?
I couldn’t get any type other than “application/json” or “text/plain” to work with webhook. In addition there are no services to manipulate xml or soap in workflow, so you would have to use a flow service anyway.
Also I should have explained that it would be easier to build a SOAP API, that way you avoid the whole xml and translation bit, but I see that you posted that as a separate question.
So for anyone interested in this subject please refer here
You were right initially. I am not sure as to why you edited your answer. Webhooks only allow json type payloads. So, I created a SOAP API and then exposed the endpoint to the external system. While I did face troubles initially, but with the help of u guys completed that part.
I got a little excited when I saw a hint in the webhook editor that you can specify the content type in the headers section. Unfortunately it gives an error if you try specify anything other than “application/json” or “text/plain”
We have opened a support call internally to find out if this is normal behaviour.