I created a SOAP API in webMethods.io and using the endpoint I am sending the request via postman to my wMIO instance which invokes a flow service. Thing is, I am unable to capture the data posted by the postman in my flow service.
Can any one of you suggest what should be written in the flow service to capture the incoming SOAP Requests.
Note:- I am getting “202 Accepted” Status in Postman when I do the POST to the SOAP API endpoint.
Did you import a WSDL to create a provider WSD which is adressed by Postman invocation?
Or did expose the service by creating the WSD in the Designer for existing service?
Any further messages in the server log related to this issue?
See WebService Development Guide for further informations.
Can you provide the current input signature of your flow service please?
In this case you should see a document “TD_Get_Create_FS” in your signature containing the 3 fields.
Eventually it is located one level deeper under (SOAP) Body.
But you should define a document type for your data structure which serves as an input to your flow service.
After that you should recreate the API descriptor (WSD).
Just did that. And it worked finally… Regarding the API options, I enabled the Enforce WS-I Basics Operations option and the request payload generated correctly.