I am trying to virtualize a rest API in webMethods centrasite. The issue i have is i am unable to send multiple path paramaters at the resource level.
For e.g.:
my resource URI is: {language}/{version}/store/search.{format}
when i just define the resource URI with hardcodes as: /nl/1/store/search.xml, everything works fine…
but the language, version and format should be dynamically passed through the path.
When i give only one path paramater, e.g: {language}/1/store/search.xml, it works…
even when i define e.g: nl/{version}/store/search.xmlm it works…
but when i provide all path parameters like {language}/{version}/store/search.{format}, it doesnt work. It gives me the error: Mediator encountered an error:Resources for the endpoint URI not found. Endpoint URI: nl/1/store/search.xml
I am on centrasite 9.8 with all the latest patches. Has anypne defined multiple path paramaters for a rest service? the documentation is very limited… any help would be appreciated.