Unable to activate code coverage agent


I am using webMethods service designer 10.4. It is a trial version.
I have created the wm test suite pack. When i was trying to activate the code coverage agent, i am getting error as “Please check the eclipse log”.

In the eclipse log , I could see the below error

!ENTRY com.sag.gcs.wmtestsuite 4 0 2019-08-27 08:23:05.109
!MESSAGE Unexpected Exception
com.wm.app.b2b.server.ServiceException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ‘other’ has different root

Can anyone help me on this?


Hi -

  1. Are you using the one which comes with JDK ?
  2. Could you please also see the server/error log for any other info ?
  3. Do you have any custom package installed in IS ? Can you try in an just unziped version of Service Designer ?

Need some more details on the exception use case to provide any suggestion.

-Thanks, Sanjib

Hi Sanjib,

Thanks for the reply.

  1. Yes i am using the one which comes with JDK.
  2. I dont see any logs in error log. I could see the same error logged in server.log as below

“5121]2019-08-27 10:21:50 BST [ISS.0095.0042I] The ERRSTACKTRACE field in a WMERROR audit record was truncated. CONTEXTID: 48289d8e-8d51-467b-a392-2b97dc0d8750. MSGID: 2c366000-40f5-916e-287b-d27524565a7f. Full value: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ‘other’ has different root”

  1. Yes i am trying in the unzipped version of service designer.

Hi - With the given details, its difficult to pinpoint any problem.
I would probably suggest following three simple steps (only):

  1. Unzip the Service Designer archive again in a new folder, say c:\sd,
  2. Launch Designer and start the server.
  3. Then switch to Unit Test Perspective and try to activate the agent through Package Navigator context menu.

In case Designer throws error alert, share the screenshot. Along with that , zip Designer workspace and Server.log files so that we can have a look…

-Thanks, Sanjib

Thanks for your reply.

Please find the details attached. I am not able to attach the workspace as space exceeded max limit i am attaching eclipse log instead workspace.
server.log (443 KB)

eclipselog.log (270 KB)

Hi - There is some issue in resolving the drive/path in your system.

I see the zip is extracted in D: drive. Is it a mapped network drive ? For safer side, can you extract the zip in C:\ (which probably is your main drive) location and perform the mentioned steps freshly and see if that works ?

Also please note, there are DB lock errors in server.log. Please shutdown/kill all existing server processes before launching the new server.

-Thanks, Sanjib

Hi Sanjib,

Thank you so much for your help. It works.

Do you have any idea, why it was not working in D drive before?


If D:\ is a regular drive and not a network mapped drive, this would be an issue which has to be looked at & next Service Designer update would have the resolution in that case.

-Thanks, Sanjib