UM Authentication from .NET Adapter

We have a UM installation which will use Active Directory for authenticating connections from interfacing application. Some of those applications are on .NET. The Application adapter would send its system ID and password to UM while making a connection and then UM will then take the system ID / password and authenticate against Active Directory.

We are unable to find how the .NET based adapter can pass system id and password to UM? Please find below sample code. Please help with example to show how to pass system ID and password to UM from .NET code.

public nSession connect(String rname)
            nSession session = null;
            log.Debug("Create a realm session attributes object (RNAME="+rname+")");
            nSessionAttributes sessionAttributes = new nSessionAttributes(rname);
            log.Debug("Create a session object from the session attributes object");
            session = nSessionFactory.create(sessionAttributes);
            log.Debug("Initializing session");
            log.Debug("Session initialized");
            return session;

Did you progress anything on this request. Did you reach SAG for assistance.


Not yet, hoping for a response here before seeking additional consultation.

Authentication via UM using passwords is currently only supported in Java.



Is it possible for .NET client to use JMS APIs provided by UM and use that authenticate using password?