UCCnet is planning on releasing into production r1.2 on 8/27/2005 and r3.0 on 10/29/2005. You can find details on about these releases from UCCnet subscriber website at http://portal.uc-council.org/
webMethods understands that customers would like to test againsts UCCnet datapool prior to production. webMethods is currently planning on releasing fixes for webMethods UCCnet Module 6.0.5 to support the new releases two weeks prior to the UCCnet production dates. The fixes should be available for download from Advantage on 8/15/2005 for r1.2 and 9/16/2005 for r3.0.
A word of caution: If UCCnet were to change the schema during testing period the release dates for the fixes will be impacted. In addition, there is a slight chance that UCCnet may update the schema after webMethods released the fix. webMethods will then have to update the fix after UCCnet’s production date.
I will post the latest updates our fix release dates on this forum.