SAP R3 and Business Engine on W2k3??


Is the EntireX SAP R3 adapter and Business Services engine certified for Windows 2003 server?
If not, has it been deployed successfully on Windows 2003?
If not, what happens if I try to deploy it on Windows 2003? will I still get support?

Our customer here would really like to run 2003 server, and it will take some convincing to get them to back down on that demand.

- arp

At the moment I don’t have any negative information regarding your question. So both, the SAP adapter and the Busines Service Engine, should run on 2003 Server, but it’s correct, we did not explicitly release those platforms so far. When I received an official answer from iWay, whether 2003 Server is supported, Software AG will release “XML Adapters” on the 2003 Server platforms as well.


I need to correct my last answer, because I just got the information from iWay.
Win 2003 Server is notsupported for iBSE in the current version, but there is a new version (5.5) expected to be available end of March, which supports Win2003 Server. This information has been taken over from iWay, so I can’t take responibility for that at the moment.


Thanks for digging this up for me Andreas…
of course, one answer leads other questions…
So, I should be able to deploy iBSE and SAP adapter on W3K by april?
Will there be any issues if I start to develop the solution using version 5.2 and later migrate to the new 5.5 version when available?

- arp

[This message was edited by arp on 02 Feb 2004 at 23:12.]

Yes, it should work this way. What I can not promise right now is the exact date of the 5.5 delivery. Software AG is not involved directly in the release process of this XML-Adapters. So after delivery by iWay, we can quickly make it available via Software AG LSC.
At the moment unfortunately I don’t have the documentation of version 5.5. So I can not tell you about the effort to migrate from 5.2 to 5.5.
But to understand the concepts of iBSE and the SAP-Adapter version 5.2 should definitely be valid.

I hope it helps

I received more details:
The new version 5.5 should be available mid of April via Software AG LSC delivery.
The actual release date (according iWay) is 31st of March. So a test on your site can start a bit earlier.