Following the istructions in “How to run this sample with your Tamino installation” in readme file in the JAVA folder about the Trigger at point 1 choosing the Package file: D:\Programs\Software AG\Tamino\Tamino\Examples\Server Extensions\Java_Trigger\SXSJTrigger.sxp i get:
File ‘D:\Programs\Software AG\Tamino\Tamino Server Extensions\Temp\SXSJTrigger.dll’ not extracted INOAAE0069 2003-02-25 16:12:41
The server extension threw exception “Install Server Extension Command Agent” INOSXE7055 2003-02-25 16:12:41
Any help?
PS: to Installation user i put the username used to install Tamino.Is it correct?
Hello @anto,
this does not help you much, but I can confirm that I receive the same error when I try to install the SXSJTrigger.sxp…
This seems to be a problem related to the SXP package though, as I have been able to write, install and run my own trigger Server Extensions.
I will give the Server Extension guys a shout and ask them to follow up with you, but in the meantime you might like to try creating your own Trigger. If you start off with the documentation and a simple Trigger, it isn’t too difficult (even I could do it!).
thanks Trevor Ford,
can you indicate me the correct document to see?
Hello @nto,
while I was developing my trigger Server Extensions, I wondered about the Java environment that was being used to execute them.
To find the details, I wrote a few Query Server Extension functions. Please find the package SXSJavaUtils.sxp attached.
After installing this you will have a few query functions available to analyse the environment your Java Server Extensions are running in.
The functions can be called using the Tamino Interactive Interface.
The functions are:
- getClasspath()
- getJavaVersion()
- locateJava()
- locateClass(xs:string)
The locateClass() function is the only one that takes a parameter, and the parameter is the name of the class that you want to locate.
For example: SXSJavaUtils.locateClass(“java.lang.String”)
Please note, this is not an officially supported component, it is just some code that I am providing to you to as a friendly gesture.

(None of the normal Software AG guarantees apply to this code!)
If anyone finds it useful, please provide some feedback on it and I will consider making this officially available.
SXSJavaUtils.sxp (2.15 KB)
Hello @anto,
I would start with the basic Server Extension documentation (C:\Program Files\Software AG\Tamino\Tamino\Documentation\servext\sepref.htm) and then have a particularly close look at the section on Triggers (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Software%20AG/Tamino/Tamino%
If you have some specific questions about Server Extensions, we can address them on the “Server X-Tension” forum. (I’ll move this thread to that Forum in the next few days.)
Hi there,
The problem with adding the java trigger is that the SXJTrigger.sxp contains the wrong Install.xml for a non-java server extension, so it looks for a .dll rather than .class file - hence the error. What I’ve done is created a replacement SXJTrigger.sxp containing the Install.xml and SXSJTrigger.class from the …\Examples\Server Extensions\Java_Trigger directory and now it is installable for me. I’ve enclosed is the SXSJTrigger.sxp to this reply.
Hope this helps.
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.
SXSJTrigger.sxp (1.86 KB)
Many thanks TF for your friendly gesture.
But in TII where should i write SXSJavaUtils.locateClass(“java.lang.String”)?
Xquery o X-Query?
and the Collection?
With the file posted by SF-C all works, but the file SXSJTrigger.sxp i was using before was contained in the java correct directory (below …\Examples\Server Extensions), so i think it’ s a bug in the distribution of Tamino 4.1.1,isn’t it?
In “How to run this sample with your Tamino installation” (related to java_trigger)i have stopped at step 4:
4. There are two more files: “simple_name.xml” and “simple_name_upd.xml”.
Click the “Browse…”-button beside the “Process”-entry
field, choose the first of these files, and click the “Process”-button.
but the collection?
PS: Process is Load in T4.1.1,right?
The collection was TriggerJ (sorry), but when i try to put the updated file i have to remove xmlns:ino=“” ino:id="2, right?
Hi there,
In response to your last three entries in this thread:
(1) Certainly the the SXSJTrigger.sxp is in error and therefore is a bug in the distribution. I noticed too that simple_name_upd.xml is also in error (should update ino:id=1 not ino:id=2).
(2) The readme is not that clear either and the document seems to assume that the older v3 Tamino Interactive Interface is being used rather than the v4 one. But you are correct, it should say Load not Process.
(3) the ino:id should be “1” not “2”. If you change it, the file can be loaded, and the sxstriggerj is triggered.
Hope this helps.
Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.
I decided to start a new thread (on the Server Extension forum) to answer the questions about the SXSJavaUtils package.
You may find it using >this link<.